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International section.

Our services > International section.

At our law firm, we have extensive experience in cross-border cases and are prepared to address legal challenges involving different jurisdictions and legislations.

Our clients undoubtedly benefit from our membership ininternational associations, as it gives them access to excellent and reliable legal advice in the major countries of the world.

Our international work.

Our firm is proud to have successfully represented clients in various jurisdictions and collaborated closely with foreign lawyers and legal professionals to achieve exceptional results.

See our cross-border success stories page for more information.

EUROJURISinternational network .

We are part of this large network, which represents more than 600 law firms worldwide, present in more than 50 countries. Together, we offer a global reach for international legal assistance.

Quality standard.

All firms belonging to the Eurojuris network are defined by stringent internal quality standards to be part of the Eurojuris network.

We scrupulously comply with these quality standards in terms of knowledge, languages, speed and confidentiality. Our clients and network partners endorse our experience and the quality of our services.

Events and international training.

Our activity in EUROJURIS.

We regularly attend training events organized by the associations, as well as congresses that allow us to get closer to our foreign colleagues.

Through these events, we have established strong and close relationships with specialized lawyers in various countries, which gives us the ability to offer solid and reliable international services to our clients.

Both our team and our customers benefit greatly from our membership in this association, one of the most active at the European level, which continues to expand into America and Asia.

Shared values.

Active and connected.

Skill and knowledge.

Safety and reliability.

And for young lawyers, JURISMUS.

Under the umbrella of Eurojuris, young lawyers formed more than two decades ago the association Jurismus International, to empower the younger generation and encourage them to take a more active role in Eurojuris member firms.

Our younger lawyers are members of Jurismus International, which allows them to improve their professional and intercultural qualifications and to establish international working relationships with colleagues from European, American and Asian law firms.

Noticia destacada:

Our lawyer Miriam Porcar has been appointed president of Jurismus International. Read more about this news.

Frequently Asked Questions.

How should I proceed if my matter involves two countries?

How can you guarantee confidentiality in my case?

I need tax and labor advice in Spain, as a foreigner.

How long does it take to solve a case with international connection?

What experience do you have in international cases?

What do you need for us to work together?