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Legal services.

Our services > Legal services.

Our firm distinguishes itself by providing comprehensive legal solutions, backed by more than four decades of experience and in-depth knowledge in a variety of legal areas.

At Álvaro Porcar Abogados, we believe in transparency, open communication and building solid relationships with our clients. Each member of our team is dedicated to understanding your individual needs and working closely together to achieve effective legal solutions.

Discover our services:


Derecho mercantil y corporativo.

Derecho concursal y de reestructuraciones.

Derecho fiscal.

Derecho laboral.

Derecho inmobiliario y desarrollo urbanístico.

Protección de datos.


Derecho de familia.

Derecho de sucesiones

Organización del patrimonio.

Derechos de los trabajadores.

Derecho bancario.

Consult us for your specific case without obligation.

Make your legal consultation.

Discover the services targeted to each client: