Service provider for companies
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We promote the growth of your company by providing comprehensive advice on tax and labor matters.
Our professionals have first-hand knowledge of the difficulties involved in the day-to-day management of a company. That is why we provide this service, aimed at companies wishing to outsource labor and tax management to experts in the field, to focus on managing their business.
Find out more about the services we can provide to your company.
Tax services.
For us, it is important to go further: to ensure the legal security of the company in tax matters.
Discover what we can do for your company:
En materia de impuestos.
- Tax preparation and filing: Our team of economists and tax advisors handles the preparation and filing of your taxes, ensuring effective tax compliance.
- Tax advice based on your company’s situation: We provide personalized tax advice, taking into account the specific situation of your company.
- Management of tax notifications: We resolve petitions from tax agency and provide representation before the tax authorities.
En materia de reclamaciones económico-administrativas
- Management of tax inspections in companies: We represent and assist you in tax inspections to protect your interests.
- Economic-administrative claims: We manage appeals and claims against administrative resolutions.
- Contentious-administrative claims before the Courts: We represent your interests before the Courts in tax disputes.
- Enforcement of judgments in tax matters: We guarantee compliance with favorable judgments in contentious-administrative proceedings.
Labour related services
Increasingly, labor regulation is complex and extensive, with infinite casuistry. This is why companies can benefit from the expertise of a specialized external labor consultant.
Discover what we can do for your company:
Nóminas, seguros sociales e impuestos.
- Payroll and social security: Our team of social graduates and tax advisors is in charge of managing payroll and social security to ensure labor and tax compliance.
- Preparation and filing of taxes relating to a company’s workforce.
Reestructuración de plantilla.
- Labor advice based on your company’s situation: We provide advice on the personnel situation, possible restructurings, temporary layoff procedures (ERTEs) and even collective dismissal.
- Advice on day-to-day events related to personnel, medical leave, maternity or paternity leave, etc.
Inspecciones laborales.
- Management of labor inspections in companies: We represent and assist you in inspections to protect your interests.
- Appeals against labor inspection reports: We manage appeals and claims against administrative resolutions.
Ask us about your case without obligation.